
September 2024

The Rev. Alex Shea Will, who has served on the Southern New England Conference staff since 2021, will be stepping down as Area Conference Minister for the Northeast Region on Nov. 15.
"This decision comes after deep and heartfelt discernment. While it feels right, it is accompanied by a profound sense of sadness," Shea Will said in a letter to the region. 

"Serving as your ACM for the past three and a half years has been a truly fulfilling calling. From the very beginning, each of you welcomed me warmly, offering your trust and support even as I was yet to earn it. This included many of you quickly adapting to working with me in a new capacity," he said. "Your generosity was a tremendous gift, enabling me to quickly grow into my ministry. My aim has always been to support and partner with you, much like I loved doing as an Associate Pastor. I hope that my partnership with you has been a blessing and I ask for your forgiveness for any mistakes I have made along the way."

Rev. Liz Garrigan-Byerly, Executive Minister for Area Conference Ministry, said Shea Will will be missed.

"Alex’s ministry has been a blessing to the Northeast Region and to the entire Southern New England Conference," she said. "He has been a steady, inspiring and supportive presence to the churches, clergy and Associations of his region. For the ACM Team, he has led the rollout and then revision of Clergy Compensation Guidelines, co-coordinated the Clergy Revivals and facilitated the Members in Discernment retreat and ongoing supports. His faithfulness, humor and team-focused approach will be missed, even as we honor and respect his discernment."

Garrigan-Byerly said the Conference will hire a Bridge Area Conference Minister to serve as the preparations are made to search for a settled ACM. The Bridge ACM position will be posted on the UCC Opportunities Page by the end of the week.

"We recognize that transitions can increase the sense of uncertainty, and we are committed to ensuring a continuity of care and connection for the Northeast Region," she said. "Before Alex’s last day, I will communicate with the Northeast Region our plans for staff support. We welcome your prayers and partnership in this time."

Shea Will joined the Conference staff in in August, 2021, to serve in the Northeast Area, which comprises the churches and clergy of the Metropolitan Boston and Northeast Associations. Prior to that, he served for six years as the Associate Pastor of South Church in Andover, MA.
In his letter, Shea Will writes: "Please know that my departure is not due to dissatisfaction in my work with you. I am incredibly proud of how our staff continues to adapt to serve God, our congregations, and all of God’s people. I have faith in the vision set before us and confidence in the person/s God is preparing to come after me."

"If you would like to connect with me before my departure, I welcome the opportunity. For congregations in pastoral transition, please be assured that our team will provide excellent care and I will be sure you know who to contact."

"I am grateful for the many lessons I've learned from congregations of all sizes and settings," he said. "Witnessing the diverse ways in which God's love, peace, and justice are realized across the Conference has been inspiring. I give thanks for each of you and all that you do, and I will hold you in my prayers always."

With love and thanks,


Rev. Alex Shea Will
Area Conference Minister
Northeast Region (Metropolitan Boston and Northeast Associations)

Rev. Shea Will can be reached at or call/text: 508-244-4769.    

Metropolitan Boston Association

Ordination jessica young chang on Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 3:30pm at First Church of Somerville, MA

Installation for Rev. Anne Marie Holloway on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 3pm at Allin Congregational Church, Dedham, MA


Northeast Association

Installation of Rev. Ellie Richardson on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 2pm at Christ Church United, Dracut, MA

Ecclesiastical Council for Stacey Keane Blagg, October 8, 2024 at 7pm at First Church in Ipswich, MA

Installation of Rev. William Ladd on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 3pm at First Congregational Church, UCC, Saugus, MA

Save the Date!  Northeast Association Music Festival, Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024 at First Church in Swampscott

Installation of Rev. Norma Brettell on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 3pm at Trinity Congregational Church, Gloucester, MA

Clergy Wellness Retreat - North Central & Northeast Regions

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 
9:30 AM to 3:00 PM

 Congregational Church of Littleton
330 King Street
Littleton, MA 01460

This is the last in the series of four Clergy Wellness Retreats that the Southern New England Conference and the UCC Pension Boards partnered with to offer to SNEUCC clergy during the 2023-24 Program Year.
Click here to learn more and to register

What are you up to? Does your Church or Association have events or news that can benefit from being shared - Meetings, Ecclesiastical Councils, Ordinations, etc?  This newsletter space is just waiting to be populated by your activity!  Please send your events and news Lynn Varney to be included in future monthly publications.

Clergy Renewal
Throughout the Bible, spiritual renewal is lifted up again and again as essential to human wellbeing. Keeping the sabbath holy is one of the ten commandments. The 50-year Jubilee of rest is even extended to the earth. Jesus routinely stepped away from the demands of his ministry to pray alone. Self-care is not selfish; it is faithful.  Click above for more information.

Do we have your church leaders listed correctly?

Please have your church administrator (or whoever handles your church's email account) visit the Church Dashboard (part of the Southern New England Conference's data base) to make sure we're connecting with all the current leaders in your church. If you have difficulty logging into your account please contact Nancy Stubbs at

Here we recognize and celebrate Ordination Anniversaries listed from 5 years forward in increments of 5 years, as well as milestone church anniversaries of 100+ years (acknowledging every 25 years).

Ordination Anniversaries for August

10 Years
The Rev. JT Hills - 9/28/2014
The Rev. Audra Mackey - 9/21/2014

20 Years
The Rev. Vicki Keene - 9/26/2004

45 Years
The Rev. Michael Duda - 9/9/1979



Park Avenue Congregational Church, Arlington - 125 years
Plymouth Congregational Church of Belmont - 125 years
North Congregational Church, Woburn - 175 years

If your name or church has been missed, please contact Lynn Varney or update your data using the Clergy Portal and Local Church Dashboard. 

SNEUCC Local Church Dashboard can be found here.
SNEUCC Clergy Portal can be found here.

More Than 200 Attend Justice Summit to Take on Politics as an Act of Faith

The 3rd Annual Justice Summit: Politics as an Act of Faith, presented by the Southern New England Conference's Center for Transformational Leadership, was held Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the campus of Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. This day-long hybrid program aimed to equip local church leaders, both lay and clergy, to engage with politics as people of faith, and was open to people from any denomination, as well as other UCC Conferences.  Read more
Read more about the keynote, in which Dr. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr. Challenged Christians to Take Tangible Steps to Oppose Oppression and Injustice. 

Project Proclaim Launches Labs, Cohort Groups & Online Learning

Project Proclaim, the compelling preaching initiative of the Southern New England Conference, is launching multiple opportunities for lay and clergy to get engaged with the project this fall, including learning cohorts, an in-person proclamation lab and online Bible and preaching courses.  
Read more

Center for Transformational Leadership Announces Events for the Season

The Center for Transformational Leadership, the Conference’s hub for programming and resources, has announced its schedule for the program year including workshops, retreats, lunch & learn sessions and more.

Church Life Cycle & Capacity: A Snapshot of Your Church’s Vitality
Sept. 25, 7:00 to 8:30 PM • Online  or
Oct. 8, 7:00 to 8:30 PM • Online
This hands-on workshop includes information about church life cycles, opportunities often available at each stage of the life cycle, and the kind of capacity (financial, leadership, health, etc.) needed. This gathering is for church leadership groups.

New & Updated Visitation Resources Available

Updated in 2023, the UCC Handbook for Visitation is designed to support those doing visitation, whether new to this ministry or experienced. Our role in connecting with people on behalf of the church is a significant part of ministry, and this handbook will guide and empower you as needed.

There is a lot going on in Southern New England! Click here to access the SNEUCC Upcoming Events Newsletters, which list details about upcoming trainings, gatherings and events. Or, click here to access the Events Calendar.

Classifieds, Transitions, and Obituaries

Transitions within the Southern New England Conference can be found  here.
Obituaries within the Southern New England Conference can be found  here.

A full list of classified postings can be found here on the SNE website.  Some examples include: Church Administrator, Digital Minister, Organist/Choir Director, Director of Faith Formation as well as items for sale or free.  Church administrators are welcome to use the online template to submit information.

Temporary Ministerial Coverage

The Southern New England Conference maintains Temporary Ministerial Coverage (TMC) lists for all 6 SNEUCC regions. These lists contain Clergy and Lay people that are interested in providing Sunday Supply, Sabbatical Coverage, and Bridge Coverage. All the people included on the list have had a Criminal Background Check and are required to have Boundary Awareness Training as well as Racial Justice Training. 
These TMC lists are regularly updated in real time.  If your church is in need of a list please reach out to the Program Support Associate for your Region:
North Central, South Central & Northwest Regions: Deb Holmes at:
Northeast, Southeast & Southwest Regions: Lynn Varney at:
If you are interested in being included on any of the Temporary Ministerial Coverage regional lists, please contact Jill Ford at

Newsletter Subscriptions

You are receiving this newsletter because we've identified you as a local church or you have standing in one of the associations in the Northeast Region of the Southern New England Conference. The Regional Newsletter is sent on a monthly basis, on or near the Third Tuesday of each month. If you would like to have events included, please make sure to have them submitted by the Second Wednesday of the month to Lynn Varney.
If you would like to unsubscribe or change your email preferences, please visit and enter your email address.


Northeast Region of
The Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ

21 Church St.
Winchester, MA 01890

Office Hours: 
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

This newsletter is made by possible by your church's contributions to
Proportional Giving to Our Church's Wider Mission.