Welcome to the CTL Events Newsletter!

Our program year is packed with lots of workshops, retreats, lunch & learn
sessions, and more.  Read on for more details & registration links.

Center for Transformational Leadership Updates
Calendar of Events
Programs for Fall & Winter 2024-2025
Project Proclaim
Highlights from our Partnerships

Welcome to Our New Staff

Two people have been hired for the staff of the Center for Transformational Leadership (CTL), the Conference's program aimed at equipping clergy and lay leaders with resources, tools and support... Read 2 min. read

Farewells from Our Departing Staff
This summer we wished three of our staff members blessings as they moved on to new journeys.

Faith Formation Team Leader Debby Kirk shared, "For everything there is a season... Many of you know my retirement was announced..."  Read more

"As I am leaving my two-year position as Queer Justice Advocate...," Rev. Michael Streib wrote, "I am filled with gratitude for all the..."  Read more

In her farewell email, Debbie Ringen, Minister of Health & Wellness wrote, "I cherish the many relationships built..."  Read more

The Center for Transformational Leadership Team
Rev. Heather Ramsey-Mabrouk, Director
Rev. Vanessa Cardinale, Associate Director
Rev. Noah Brewer-Wallin, Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Rev. Debbie Gline Allen, Minister of Faith Formation
Amanda Martin, Program Support Associate

Remember registration for our Confirmation Retreats is open!
Click here for more information and to register.

Check out more FFLP Classes by clicking here.

2024-2025 Affinity Groups - Fall
Ministers of Color Affinity Group (Online Only)
Affinity Group for Intentional Interim Ministers (Online Only)
Cross Cultural Leadership in the Integral Way (Online Only)
Maintaining Wellness in the Midst of Ministry
Becoming a Trans-Affirming Church 
(Online Only)

Learning Series Coming in 2025

Lessons in Meditation & Meditation Teacher Training w/ Rev. Matt Carriker Wednesday evenings, Jan. 15 to Feb. 26, 7 to 8:30 PM • Online

Family Systems, The Church & You w/ Rev. Dr. Dale Azevedo  
3 Day-long Sessions, 6 Modules, 12 Learning Hours, Certificate of Completion (Cohort 2: Jan-Mar 2025; Cohort 3: Oct – Nov 2025)



ONLY 1 MORE DAY (deadline: August 30 at noon)
to Register for Onsite Participation 
Saturday, September 14 at

Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Click here to register for Onsite Participation.

Registration for Online Participation is open until Sept. 11.  Click here to register for Online Participation.

Workshops & Day Retreats
These programs or gatherings provide opportunities to learn more about a topic, trend, strategy, approach or partnership and include elements of shared learning and peer networking and connection. The sessions are primarily led by scholars, consultants or other wise ones and are typically between 1.5 and 4 hours.

Building Resilience Retreat for Clergy (GCL)
Oct. 24, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM | Registration is now open.
Rocky Hill Congregational Church, Rocky Hill, CT

This is an especially stressful time for clergy, as overwhelm and burnout have increased exponentially since the pandemic. The need for resilience is great. In this program, participants will learn about resilience from a faith perspective and how it applies to their own lives. With a focus on “embodied resilience, we will explore how to build resilience and move forward, even in challenging times. This Building Resilience is for clergy who would like to create positive changes in their lives. Join in and make resilience a spiritual practice! 

Intro to Gender & Trans/Nonbinary Affirmation (DEI)
Sept. 28, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM • Online | Registration now open.
This workshop will introduce key concepts related to gender and helps church leaders identify practical methods of affirming trans and nonbinary people in their communities.

Intro to Race, Racism, and Racial Justice (DEI/FF)
Oct. 5, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM • Online | Registration opens soon.

This class is a broad, but not comprehensive, introduction to race as a concept, racism and its various forms, and various forms of working toward racial justice. Particular attention is paid to Christian foundations for racism and the history of slavery and colonization in New England.  This training is open to all Lay Leaders, Local Church Volunteers, Authorized Ministers and participants in the Faith Formation Leadership Program.

Revising Your Church’s Bylaws: When, Why & How? (GCL)
Nov. 10, 4 to 5:30 PM | Registration opens in September.

When the timing is right, the purpose is clear, and a plan is in place, revising a set of bylaws can breathe new life into a congregation.  When roles, responsibilities, and processes are up-to-date, when the bylaws reflect current realities, and when decision-making processes are mapped, healthier dynamics can help create a more inclusive, positive culture. 

HR Overview – The Basics for Churches (GCL)
Dec. 8, 5 to 6:30 PM • Online | Registration opens in October.
This workshop will provide the audience with an overview of general HR compliance and best practices for organizations to consider as part of their overall HR function.  

Church Life Cycle & Capacity: A Snapshot of Your Church’s Vitality
Sept. 25 & Oct. 8, 7 to 8:30 PM • Online | Reg. opens soon. (GCL)
This hands-on workshop includes information about church life cycles, opportunities often available at each stage of the life cycle, and the kind of capacity (financial, leadership, health, etc.) needed. This gathering is for church leadership groups (i.e. Council, Central Board, Executive Committee, etc.) and Pastors to discuss topics such as the church’s current vision, where the church is in the lifecycle chart, and what kinds of options are possible and available.  Conversations will also yield an assessment of each church’s capacity for leading and implementing change. This is a pre-requisite for all ADAPT and Navigate. A self-guided version is also available by contacting the Center for Transformational Leadership (Transform@sneucc.org)

Organizing for Small Town Churches (GCL)
Oct. 16, 7 to 8:30 PM • Online | Registration opens in September.
Small town churches and rural congregations change the world.  This online workshop is a pep-talk to the work you are already doing.  It invites an organizing framework on the critical relationships that you have already and offers encouragement for further engagement in service to the world God is inviting us to create, together. Rev. Dr. Chris Davies, author of the chapter on Rural Organizing in (link here) Building Up a New World | Congregational Organizing for Transformative Impact, will lead conversation and provide some tools for organizing in small towns and rural communities.

Circle Training & Introduction to Restorative Practices (DEI)
Oct. 26, 27, Nov. 2, 3, 9 AM to 12 PM • Online | 
Registration opens in Sept.
This experiential and skill-based workshop will train participants in circle process, a practice that can be used for a wide range of community-building and conflict transformation settings, including local churches. Open to both laity and clergy, and lay people are especially encouraged to attend. 

Authorized Minister/MID Trainings
These programs meet a requirement for ordination or standing. The sessions include 4 or more hours of content.  A Certificate will be provided after the completion of the training.

Racial Justice for Authorized Ministers - Renewal (DEI)
Sept. 24, 1:00 to 5:00 PM • Online | Registration now open.
Situating Yourself and Your Ministry Context Racially (includes caucus spaces for white people and people of color): participants will focus on understanding themselves racially and unpack the stories their ministry settings tell in terms of race. 

Racial Justice for Authorized Ministers - Foundations (DEI)
Oct. 30, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM • Online | Registration now open.
Training for Authorized Ministers who have not had racial justice training within the past 3 years.

Faith Formation Leadership Programs
These are for anyone seeking certification in Faith Formation Leadership, and these workshops are open to all.

Living Into the Mystery - Worship & Sacraments in the UCC (FF)
Oct. 19, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM • Online | Registration now open.
Discussion will include creating worship experiences that welcome all ages and abilities.

Youth Ministry 101 (FF)
Nov. 2, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM • Online | Registration now open.
Explore the nuts and bolts alongside the theological foundations of organizing and implementing youth ministry programs.

Theories & Practices (FF)
Nov. 16, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM • Online | Registration now open.
How the grounding principles of education, formation, and living in the ways of Jesus can be developed and used to make disciples of all ages.

Affinity Groups for Authorized Ministers 
Intentional learning communities led by a content expert who provides materials, leads activities, facilitates conversations and structures the time for optimal learning. These groups meet for 2-3 hours multiple times during the length of the program.

Ministers of Color Affinity Group • Online (GCL/DEI) | Reg. now open.
Sept. 24, Nov. 19, Jan. 21, March 18, May 27, June 17, 2:00 to 4:00 PM 
An affinity group for those who are a person with one or multiple racialized identities, usually expressed with the shorthand of BIPOC.  Leader: Micky ScottBey Jones

Affinity Group for Intentional Interim MinistersOnline (GCL)
Sept. 29, 2 to 3 PM (Listening Session only) | Registration opens soon.
Oct. 24, Dec. 12, Jan. 30, Feb. 20, Mar. 20, Apr. 24, 2 to 3:30 PM 

In times of transition, clergy need to be equipped to navigate the challenges of ministry with resilience and creativity. Leader: Rev. Chris Hart
Listening Session for the Affinity Group for Intentional Interim Ministers 
This will an opportunity for Rev. Hart to present anticipated themes and listen for ideas and interests. The form will close on Sept 16th.   

Cross Cultural Leadership in the Integral Way Online (GCL/DEI)
Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 10 AM to 12 PM | Registration opens soon.

This Affinity Group is designed to look at leadership through an integral lens. We will explore cross cultural leadership through levels of growth and development including, egocentric, ethnocentric, and world-centric levels of development.  Leader: Quanita Roberson

Maintaining Wellness in the Midst of Ministry (GCL) | Reg. opens in Sept.
6 Sessions Oct. 2024 – May 2025 Onsite (1st session only), Online 
The idea for this group emerged from the success of the 2024 Clergy Wellness Retreats (sponsored by a grant from the UCC Pension Board).  Join Dr. Barbara E. Livingston for this 8 month journey to maintaining wellness and work on your wellness goals in a community of supportive colleagues who want to do the same! More information to come. Watch the SNEUCC Social Media accounts and other Center for Transformational Leadership communications. Leader: Dr. Barbara E. Livingston

Becoming a Trans-Affirming Church Online (DEI) | Reg. open now.
Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Dev. 5, Jan. 9, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, Apr. 3, 7 to 8:30 PM

This Affinity Group supports pastors and lay leaders working together to lead their congregation in becoming trans-affirming. Fill out this form: to express interest.  Leader: Rev. Noah Brewer-Wallin 

Lunch & Learns • Online (DEI/GCL/FF) | Registration opens soon.
One-hour presentations focused on information & strategies for church leaders.  Format includes a presentation and a brief Q&A time. Lunch & Learns are generally held every first and third Thursdays of each month (unless they conflict with a liturgical holiday) mid-September through mid-June.  The 2024-2025 series touches on two overarching themes: Welcome & Evangelism and Beyond the Church - Community & Partnerships.  
This program is available at no cost through your contribution to Proportional Giving
and the generosity of Friends of the Conference and individual donors.
Sept. 19: Hospitality & Extravagant Welcome
Oct. 3: Forming Community Connections
Oct. 17: What does accessibility look like in church?
Nov. 7: Beyond Land Acknowledgements
Nov. 21: Chile Partnership
Dec. 5: How can WISE transform your church?

Open Office Hours • Online (DEI) | Registration opens soon.
Sept. 24, Oct. 22, Nov. 26, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, Mar. 25, 7 to 8 PM
Led by CTL Staff or Task Team leaders as “topic experts,” these sessions are focused on an aspect of ministry, include some content and allow for leaders and pastors to ask questions and hear the process and wisdom of others.
The Idea Exchange for Church Leaders, Pastors & Volunteers • Online (DEI) | Registration opens soon.
Oct. 8, Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, 7 to 8 PM
These facilitated online sessions are a place for conversation, networking, crowdsourcing and idea sharing.  Each session has a set topic or issue and could include a case study, a common question or a local church sharing a success and its process.  (formerly Cross-Pollination)
CTL Programs fall into three distinct yet related areas: General Church Leadership (GCL), Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), & Faith Formation (FF).  For your convenience, these areas are noted on each listing.

What is Project Proclaim?
Project Proclaim is a compelling preaching initiative of SNEUCC--a hub for innovative, experimental, and non-traditional preaching and a place to explore the art and science of proclamation. Explore more about Project Proclaim at this link and through the programs below.

Proclamation Lab 3: How to Write for the Local Paper… and Get Published

PROJECT PROCLAIM presents Proclamation Lab: PL3 - How to Write for the Local Paper… and Get Published, Sept. 22, 2024 from 3:00 - 5:00pm at First Congregational Church of Hatfield.  Participants will learn how to write about faith, religion and spirituality for a local newspaper, with attention upon their writing style, individual voice, and compelling & newsworthy storytelling.

This free event will be co-hosted by Rev. Dr. Chris Davies and Program Manager, Tyrone Brown, and facilitated by Scout Opatut (she/her) who works as Assistant Editor of the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Greenfield Recorder, and Editor of the Valley Advocate.  Food and drink will be provided.  Register here.

2024 Learning Cohort Registration Is Open! - Link 
Learning Cohort Purpose:
  • To support the learning journeys of participants in the Project Proclaim initiative

  • To connect preachers with one another and develop ongoing networks of peers who can provide encouragement and honest feedback

  • To create intentional opportunities for sharing and integrating learnings across classes/learning experiences.

  • To provide a supportive space for preachers to practice preaching, implement new learnings, try new proclamation approaches, reflect on their process, and receive honest feedback.

  • To provide a helpful rubric that can be used with all proclamation opportunities

PROJECT PROCLAIM is coming to DISCORD this Fall.
The DISCORD app is a platform that people use for games and other topics. But what is it? Here is a short DISCORD for Dummies video with some insight. For additional information and questions, contact Tyrone Brown, Program Manager at brownt@sneucc.org 

The Environmental Justice Mission Group of the New Hampshire Conference hosts a biennial webinar symposium. Our goal is to educate, to inspire action, and to foster unity in the pursuit of a greener, more just world. In our name, the "+" signifies inclusivity, all generations are welcome. Together, we can make a difference!  Click here for more information on the 4th Biennial New England Environmental Justice Youth+ Summit, co-sponsored by SNEUCC.

UCC History & Polity at Pathways
The purpose of this course is to explore the history, polity, theologies, and practices of the United Church of Christ and its predecessor denominations. Click here for more information.
The Center for Transformational Leadership is here to serve you!
Please contact us at Transform@SNEUCC.org   
Visit our website SNEUCC.org/Transform.  
Sign up for our newsletter, Innovation Now

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Fax: 866-367-0860
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