Silver Lake to Honor Two at October Awards Ceremony

Silver Lake awardees

Volunteer of the Year

The Silver Lake Camp & Retreat Center will present it's annual Silver Lake Award and recognize a volunteer of the year at the annual Award Celebration on Oct. 6.

The Silver Lake Award is going to Rev. Molly Baskette, current pastor of First Church Berkeley UCC in California who previously served in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Dan Jakubiak will be honored as Volunteer of the Year, a new award this year being presented to someone who has "demonstrated extraordinary action-oriented commitment to Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center and its missions and people."

The celebration and auction is being held Sunday, Oct. 6, at the Hollow at Manchester Country Club in Manchester, CT.

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Church and the New Psychedelic Emergence

Molly Baskette

Rev. Molly Baskette, co-senior minister of First Church Berkeley UCC, writes:

I thought it was my idea–but I was wrong. It was already happening quietly in my church’s pews. People were seeking out psychedelics for healing from PTSD, depression and anxiety–or to experience spiritual growth and more intimate communication with God.

Every once in a while, God whispers in my ear. This time, God put me on blast. “This is what you are going to go learn about next–to help the people in your care who have tried everything and still haven’t found relief.”  

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Stand Together With Determination

Carol Steinbrecher

Rev. Carol Steinbrecher, Area Conference Minister for the North Central Region, writes:

We, as a nation, and as a world, are facing a multitude of critical problems.  Over 50 years ago, in his final sermon, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Men, for years now, have been talking about war and peace. But now, no longer can they just talk about it. It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world; it's nonviolence or nonexistence.  That is where we are today.”
That is where we STILL are today.  

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A View from the Pew: Transparent

Blurry reflection of a person seen in an opaque surface

Dan Smolnik, a member of Spring Glen Church in Hamden, CT, writes:

Transparency is a word currently more often assigned to human character than it is to inanimate objects. “Window” and “transparent” are so interchangeable that any window not fully transparent is allocated special architectural descriptors, such as stained glass or glass block.

The same quality in people is, in contrast, typically followed by a period when described in the written word. A person’s quality of transparency needs, and typically receives, no further explication ... This valued quality, however, gets no literary treatment in the Bible. The abstraction of transparency had no place to anchor in the physical world of the times.

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Upcoming Events

The Center for Transformational Leadership has published its schedule of events for the program year. Find it here.

Justice Summit logo

Registration for Online Attendance is open until Sept. 11.
Justice Summit: Politics as an Act of Faith
Sept. 14, 8 AM to 5 PM
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

This day-long program will equip local church leaders, both lay and clergy, to engage with politics as people of faith.

Read more and register

Project Proclaim Learning Cohorts
Registration Deadline: Sept. 13

peer-learning groups focused on engaging and excelling the skill of proclamation, in the pulpit and beyond. Current clergy, aspiring preachers, and/or lay persons and those who simply feel called will meet monthly for 3 hours to preach and receive feedback, as led by a trained facilitator.

Proclamation Lab PL3: How to Write for the Local Paper… and Get Published
Sept. 22, 3:00 to 5:00 PM 
First Congregational Church of Hatfield, MA

A Project Proclaim lab in which participants will learn how to write about faith, religion and spirituality for a local newspaper, with attention upon their writing style, individual voice, and compelling & newsworthy storytelling. This free event will be facilitated by Scout Opatut, an Assistant Editor of the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Greenfield Recorder, and Editor of the Valley Advocate.

Intro to Race, Racism and Racial Justice for Faith Formation Leaders and Local Church Leaders
Oct. 5, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM • Online

This Faith Formation Leadership Class is a broad, but not comprehensive, introduction to race as a concept, racism and its various forms, and various forms of working toward racial justice

Event Calendar: www.sneucc.org/events

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