Dear Justice-Seekers of the Southern New England Conference:

I'm writing with an update about our monthly newsletter. You may remember that in January 2024, the Justice & DEI ministries became part of our Conference's Center for Transformational Leadership (CTL). CTL is the hub for teaching and learning, training and equipping, resourcing and referring, curating and connecting across three core ministry areas: General Church Leadership, Faith Formation, and Justice/DEI. 

Last month, we began reflecting this change in our monthly newsletter - you may have seen a very substantial list of our Fall programming that came out at the end of August.

Starting next week, you will receive our new unified newsletter, sent from The Center for Transformational Leadership, and coming monthly on the 4th Thursday of the month. As a subscriber to Ever Flowing Streams, you'll automatically receive this new newsletter. 

As with Ever Flowing Streams, this will be a primary source of Justice and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion -related events, articles, and updates from the Conference. Now, you will see this alongside other church leadership resources and programming as we strive to erase the artificial barriers between these ministry areas and support local church leaders in creating vital, intergenerational, and justice-seeking communities. 

As always, please don't hesitate to be in touch with questions. And if your church is seeking support engaging a particular justice area or looking for relevant resource, please use these forms to get the conversation started:

Support getting started, deepening your commitment, or addressing challenges

Resources - such as materials, speakers, or programming



Rev. Noah Brewer-Wallin

Assistant Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 

Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
Toll Free: 866-367-2822
Fax: 866-367-0860
Facebook Vimeo

This newsletter is made by possible by your church's contributions to Proportional Giving to Our Church's Wider Mission.