Rev. Sue Latourette has served at the Congregational Church of North Stonington, CT,
since 2011.  She is involved in bringing affordable housing to 'NoSto' with Keeping North Stonington Affordable, Inc., a local board, as well as with Habitat for Humanity of Eastern CT.  She is also passionate about immigration reform, offering welcome to migrants; and in building community.

Scripture: Mark 9:40 (NRSV)

Whoever is not against us is for us.

Reflection: Get in the Way


For about a month these words have been in my mind: Whoever is not against us is for us.
These words of Jesus answer John’s complaint about somebody “outside their circle” healing, doing good in Jesus’ name.  I can picture Jesus frowning at John in wonder:  “Why would you stop someone doing good?!!  If they are helping, don’t get in their way!”  

Then I think…the opposite would be true, wouldn’t it?  If someone was mistreating another, or “doing bad” I imagine Jesus would say: “If someone is doing bad, get in their way.” 

It brings to mind Mordecai’s words to Esther*  that she should not keep silent.  Esther relied on her faith to give her the wisdom to persuade the king to not only cease the actions against the Jews – (her people, though the king was unaware) – but to destroy the evil that precipitated the plans.  The more blood-thirsty of us might relish Haman’s brutal end, but in my mind it is more a metaphor that one doesn’t dance with evil but wipe it out. 

The text from Esther also brings to mind the countless today who are sojourners, as were Mordecai and Esther.  Forced to live in ways to which they are unaccustomed; forced to sacrifice; forced to use wits and faith in order to make their way – and perhaps change hearts and minds as they do.  Facing the desperately hard must require deep wells of faith or rock-solid confidence!  Pointing to the heart of faith, the Epistle of James* lifts up that we should turn to God, always, in prayer no matter our circumstances.  It is God from whom our help comes – as the psalm* reminds us.  
That brings me back to my imagining above:  of Jesus telling us to stand for good, and in the way of bad (or evil).  As we look around us, I wonder where we could apply this same basic of faith.  The answer:  anywhere there is discord, distortion, destruction.  Go there and get in the way!  How each of us get in the way is up to us.  And we know there is so much that needs our attention, personally and communally. 

So we look to Jesus who helps us know and do what is right, and he bases all he does and says on two commandments. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.  Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

*Additional Notes:

Esther 4:1-17; 7:1-10; 9:20-22
Psalm 124
James 5:13-20
Mark 9:38-50


May our faith be our guide in the days and weeks ahead as we pray for peace, as we make choices for leadership, as we consider our planet and as we choose to do good to and for others.   Amen.   

New Prayer Requests:

We ask churches and church leaders to join us in the following prayers either by sharing them during worship, printing them in bulletins, or sharing them in some other way. To make a prayer request, please contact Marlene Gasdia-Cochrane at

Prayers of Intercession:

  • Prayers for peace as wars and conflicts continue to escalate around the world. Injustices and inequalities manifest as racism, discrimination, gender-based violence, economic disparities, and other issues.
  • For those grieving or suffering due to the ~12,300 gun violence deaths that happened in the US since the start of the year.
  • For those suffering from human trafficking.

Prayers of Joy and Thanksgiving:    

This Week in History:

September 25, 1957 (67 years ago): Under escort from the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division, nine Black students enter all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas to begin first full day of classes. [History

“Study the past if you would define the future.”

Starting With Scripture is a weekly devotional and prayer request of the
Southern New England Conference, UCC.
1 Badger Road Framingham, MA 01702
Toll Free in CT: 866.367.2822 | 860.233.5564

Marlene Gasdia-Cochrane, Editor