Dear Authorized Ministers,

Are ACMs "pastors to the pastors?" We get asked this from time to time and the answer depends on what is meant by that phrase. 

If it means that the ACM is someone to call when things fall apart at church, a thought partner around vocational discernment, or the person to show up and pray with you when you experience a family or personal crisis, then the answer is "yes!" I can think of multiple situations when each of our ACMs have embodied this role, whether it was when a pastor's loved one died unexpectedly, a church bully pushed too far, a natural disaster hit a community, or a family health crisis impacted a call. We deeply value being "pastor to the pastors" in these moments, and I have heard many of you express how much you value this too.

However, if it means that ACM is the first go to for any information on Conference programming or information, someone to meet for coffee monthly, or a primary source of spiritual guidance, then the answer is “no.” This isn't only about time; although that's a real factor. With roughly 1,4000 Authorized Ministers, 570 churches and 25 Associations, we can't equitably be a personal pastor to every clergyperson.

But more than time, it's about role. Our role is to provide care and connection for clergy, churches and associations, to guide the covenantal processes that connect them, and to equip them for their own ministry. That means we are constantly attentive to maintaining equally strong ties with all covenantal partners and staying neutral when we need to facilitate between them.

Ephesians 4:12 is a foundational scripture for the ACM team; we equip for the building up of the Body of Christ. We want to equip you to have the supportive networks and protective practices you need for a healthy ministry and life. This newsletter is full of offerings that do that. Whatever role we play for you--pastor, equipper, listener, coach, consultant, provoker, advocate, encourager, joy-sharer or more—we are grateful for the ways you entrust us as your covenantal partners.

Rev. Liz Garrigan-Byerly
Executive Minister for Area Conference Ministry

Project Proclaim Learning Cohorts
Beginning Oct. 1 (online)
Project Proclaim is the compelling preaching initiative of SNEUCC. Learning Cohorts are peer-learning groups focus on engaging and excelling the skill of proclamation, in the pulpit and beyond. Current clergy, aspiring preachers, lay persons and those who simply feel called, will meet on a monthly basis for 3 hours to preach and receive feedback, as led by a trained facilitator. There, participants will work on their own preaching and learning goals. Register here at a subsidized rate.  

Clergy Wellness Retreat
Oct. 2, 9:30am-3pm, Littleton, MA (onsite)
Come enjoy a day away to refresh yourselves body, mind, and spirit. With a catered lunch, space for silent prayer and meditation and multiple activities to choose from, there is something for everyone! This is our final event co-sponsored with the UCC Pension Boards.

Building Resilience Retreat for Authorized Clergy 
Oct. 24, 9am-4pm, Rocky Hill, CT (onsite)

Rev. Judith Cooke is a Pastor and Resilience Coach who delights in helping people find the clarity they need that moves them to a life they love. Hosted by CTL.

New to the Conference Gathering
Oct. 31, 10am-3pm, Willimantic, CT (onsite)
Have you become part of SNEUCC in the last three years and are still getting a sense of the Conference and how to connect? Join us for worship, informal and guided time for fellowship, introduction to Conference programming and resources, lunch and more. Hosted by ACM Team.


Coordinated by the Center for Transformational Leadership, Affinity Groups for Authorized Ministers gather 4-6 time over a period of time (6 weeks to 9 months). Each group focuses on a specific topic, learning goal or type of ministry work. These groups are led by a topic expert who plans each gathering, resources the group and facilitates group conversations, and are conducive to creating a safe space in which clergy can learn and grow through deep sharing and honest reflection.

Ministers of Color Affinity Group  
Sept. 24, Nov. 19, Jan. 21, March 18, May 27, June 17, 2-4:00pm (online)

An affinity group for those who are a person with one or multiple racialized identities, usually expressed with the shorthand of BIPOC. Led by Micky ScottBey Jones. Registration closes Sept. 13. 

Affinity Group for Intentional Interim Ministers
Listening Session Sept. 19, 2-3pm; regular sessions Oct. 24, Dec. 12, Jan. 30, Feb. 20, March 20, Apr. 24, 2-3:30pm (online)
In times of transition, clergy need to be equipped to navigate the challenges of ministry with resilience and creativity. Ledy by Rev. Chris Hart. The listening session is an opportunity to hear about anticipated themes and share ideas and interests. Register for the Listening Session by Sept. 16. Full registration will open Sept 5 and close Oct 10.

Cross Cultural Leadership in the Integral Way
Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, & Nov. 7?, 10am-12pm (online)
Designed to look at leadership through an integral lens, we will explore cross cultural leadership through levels of growth and development including egocentric, ethnocentric, and world-centric levels of development. We will also examine the four quadrants, giving us a chance to look at personal intentions, cultures, beliefs, behaviors, and systems. Led by Quanita Roberson. Registration opens soon and closes Sept.26.

Maintaining Wellness in the Midst of Ministry
6 Sessions held Oct. 2024 – May 2025 with the first being onsite
More information to come. Watch Social Media and the *New* Center for Transformational Leadership newsletter coming on Aug. 27..
Led by Dr. Barbara E. Livingston. Registration will open Sept. 5 and close Oct. 18.

Boundary Awareness Training: Through the Lens of Clergy Wellness
Sept. 16, 9:30am-2:30pm (online) 
(Registration deadline: Sept. 11)
Nov. 12 & 13, 6:30-8:30pm (online) (Registration deadline: Nov. 7) 
Through the lens of clergy wellness, authorized ministers will renew their understanding of and develop skills for maintaining boundaries in an ever-shifting ministry landscape.

Racial Justice for Authorized Ministers - Renewal 
Sept. 24, 1-5pm
Situating Yourself and Your Ministry Context Racially (includes caucus spaces for white people and people of color): participants will focus on understanding themselves racially and unpack the stories their ministry settings tell in terms of race.

Racial Justice for Authorized Ministers - Foundations 
Oct. 30, 9am-4pm (online)

Training for Authorized Ministers who have not had racial justice training within the past 3 years.

Clergy Communities of Practice (CCOPs)
Clergy Communities of Practice are ongoing peer learning groups for pastors, chaplains, and authorized ministers. Colleagues share best practices, discuss current topics in ministry, share the joys and challenges of ministry, and support one another in a confidential setting that is led by a trained facilitator. The SNEUCC currently convenes more than 30 CCOP groups, which are formed around anything from geography to role to type of ministry and length of time in ministry.  Most groups meet monthly for 2 hours. Participation is renewed each year. To join a group, contact Associate Director of the Center for Transformational Leadership, Rev. Vanessa Cardinale at Be on the lookout in October for a survey to be sent to all clergy and authorized ministers to assess involvement, impact, and additional interest.
Important CCOP Dates to know:
Impact & Interest Survey & Request form – October
Registration for all 2025 Groups Opens in November
All new placements finalized– January 2025
All 20205 Payments Due – Feb. 15, 2025

What's Inspiring & Provoking Us

Election Season Spiritual Care
Curated by Join the Movement, UCC, these videos, blogs, books and practices provide "soul nourishment in a time of life-denying rhetoric
for everyone, but especially QTBIPOC."

Search Committee Chain Letter
One of the ACM summer projects has been to go through all the paper files we have. We found this comical gem in one. We hope it brings some levity to your day.

We all have need of support from time to time. We are deeply grateful to our covenantal partners (Board of Ministerial Aid, MA; The Trustees of the Fund for Ministers, CT; Rhode Island Association, UCC Pension Boards) and the generosity of our church’s support of proportional giving, which make these services available to all Authorized Ministers with Standing in the SNEUCC.
Communities of Practice, Affinity Groups & Coaching
Grants, Financial Aid & Scholarships

This is a periodic newsletter for Authorized Ministers in SNEUCC.

Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
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This ministry is made possible through contributions to Proportional Giving to Our Church’s Wider Mission and Friends of the Conference.
Please consider contributing.