"Sitting at the water’s edge, I’m reminded of the thousands of tributaries that crisscross the U.S., making their way to this rolling mass of water now flowing through the heart of New Orleans and into the Gulf of Mexico. All these streams and rivers making their way back to the source, to the goal, to the collective vision of the sea... I’ve learned that those of us with the same dreams can find each other, and in finding each other, we can learn to move together, to flow together, and maybe, just maybe… together we can reach the sea."  - from Desiree Evans' "River Lesson"

Good leadership is all about strong relationships and connections. Connection with our movement ancestors and those who have come before us. Connection with future generations and the visions we work toward. Relationships within our congregations and communities so that we can bring others along with us. Relationships with leaders in other congregations and communities so that we can resource and inspire each other and stay in touch with the larger Body of which we are a part. 

This month's newsletter offers several opportunities to develop our leadership through relationship and connection:

I hope you'll join in on one or more! 

Know that you are in my prayers as you engage in the difficult and important work of Creation care and environmental justice. Please be in touch if there are ways I can support you and the work of your congregation. - Emma


Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin, Minister of Environmental & Economic Justice


Racial Justice Summit - Saturday, September 24
Racial justice is environmental justice, and environmental justice is racial justice. The Racial Justice Summit is an opportunity to connect your Creation care work with the movements for racial justice and liberation.

Join us for worship, workshops focused on developing relationships and strategies, and sessions that will help us spiritually sustain our work for the long haul. 

Register here for in-person or virtual options. 

Nature & Neighbors: Youth Environmental Justice Retreats - session options October - May
Like all Christians, youth are called to leadership and ministry within their congregations and communities. The Nature & Neighbors retreats recognizes the call many young people feel to address the climate crisis and environmental injustice, and encourages them to draw on the resources of our faith for inspiration and sustenance. 

Learn more and register, and contact Emma for group rates or scholarships.

Jubilee Justice Leadership Program - applications due September 16
Jubilee is a 6-month online cohort, specifically for lay leaders (though open to clergy as well), who are looking to connect their faith with social justice. The program combines workshops about progressive Christianity and justice, skill-building for justice work, and spiritual reflection, with work directly in a local justice organization and their local church.

While this program is not specifically for people interested in environmental issues, it is a great opportunity to connect environmental work with wider justice movements -- and the service with a local organization allows you to connect with an environmental organization doing work that resonates with you.

Apply here!

Faith Matters Voting Challenge 
The Environmental Ministries Team has developed resources to mobilize congregations through the 2022 "Faith Matters" Voting Challenge.  We have partnered with the Environmental Voter Project (EVP) to promote the SNEUCC Creation Care Voter Pledge and put love into action for every living creature and for every economically or racially marginalized community that suffers from environmental harm.

Learn more about how to get started and take action with your congregation.


Environmental Ministries Cross-Pollination Gatherings - August 15th, 6:30pm, and third Mondays
Join us for a drop in zoom call on third Mondays, 6:30pm. This is a chance for green team members to exchange ideas and resources and hear others’ ideas as you work through challenges. Be sure to register to receive the zoom link. 




Emma Brewer-Wallin
Minister for Environmental and Economic Justice
Email: brewer-walline@sneucc.org    Phone: 508-244-4283

Karen Methot
Program Support Associate 
Email: methotk@sneucc.org   Phone: 508-244-4417 

Environmental Ministries on sneucc.org

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