
ENews for the Northwest Region

Dear Northwest Region,

Well, the truck is all packed up, and my things are en route to be closer to you, even if my body is trailing behind. I will be ensconced in Southwest Massachusetts by the beginning of March after some back and forth between the pines of North Carolina these next weeks. 

Thanks to the powers of zoom, I am meeting many of the folks in your Executive Committees, Committees on Ministry, and clergy gatherings. I am heartened by the good folks around these tables. I have every confidence that through partnership, we will meet the challenges before us and celebrate the joys to come. 

In today’s meeting with the Litchfield North Committee on ministry I was reminded how many in leadership are tired. I spent the last three years in a program intended to help clergy cultivate practices of sabbath. (I was a necessary study.) The program’s purpose described in part, “For clergy, contemplative space can be hard to come by. The demands of an ‘always on’ ministry are daunting and exhausting. [The program] offers space… for delight, rest, community connection, and worship.”
We met monthly and spent time working in the garden, worshiping, and sharing a eucharistic meal, silence, rest, reflection, and prayer. We were constantly reminded of Jesus seeking a moment to rest, to pray quietly, to get away from the crowds.  In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. (Mark 1:35)
These are such important practices if we can find the time. I pray you do.
Some of the folks at the meeting today reminded us of the resource that Silver Lake can be. Something about a roaring fire…. I for one am excited to explore the campus soon and hear how the season is shaping up for 2021, and how I can be of support to Ryan and the staff.
No matter your profession or stage in life, there is one thing that we all hold in common in these pandemic days—a certain weariness. I hope you all find your moments of sabbath rest in God’s presence, or as a friend typed to me this week, “Remember to take breaks.”

God’s peace,
Rev. Terry Yasuko Ogawa
Area Conference Minister, NW Region


February Ordination Anniversaries

There are no anniversaries this month
Please contact Deb Holmes if we have missed your anniversary. 
Anniversaries are listed from 5 years and forward in increments of 5.

Churches are asked to make updates to the
National Data Hub by midnight March 3, 2021

The Data Hub will be available beginning noon, Wednesday, January 6, 2021. The deadline for entering data is midnight Wednesday, March 3, 2021.  Data Hub deadlines are related to publication schedules; late information may not be included in the 2021 Yearbook. Please click here for instructions on how to complete the important updates.

COVID-19 2021 Update: Seeds of HOPE

Rev. Darrell Goodwin, Executive Conference Minister, and the Health & Wellness Team present the first in a monthly series of discussions: COVID-19 2021 Update: Seeds of HOPE. It is our purpose to promote health and wellness by providing support for all throughout the Southern New England conference UCC.  
The challenges faced by clergy, churches, and communities continue to change as the pandemic evolves. Uncertainty and anxiety are heightened as virus variants are discovered, COVID-19 testing methods expand, vaccines are rolled out, and people experience confusion and frustration. This webinar will provide practical information and resources to inform and support your congregation and community.  
Please click here to learn more and to register for the webinar.

Coronavirus information:

Phasing Forward: How does the vaccine, the new Covid-19 variant and our growing weariness impact our Phasing Forward plans and how can we best care for ourselves and each other? SNE Conference Faith Community Nurse Debbie Ringen reflects on these questions and shares important resources in this blog article.

Covid Update: Is your church in a high risk zone?

Phasing Forward: Step By Step


3 upcoming service will be made available to local churches:
* Service of Seven Last Words for Good Friday, offered by SNEUCC.
* Service for April 11th, the Sunday after Easter, offered by the UCC Council of Conference Ministers.
* Pentecost Service (May 23rd), offered by SNEUCC. 

More information will be coming shortly and the full services will be provided well ahead of the dates for which they are intended.

Pulpit Supply List for Western MA Region

Please email Deb Holmes at for an updated copy of the regional pulpit supply list. A new list for the Northwest Region is being worked on.


Active Food Pantries and Outreach Meals for people in need

The attached list is an updated list of churches in the Western Region that currently have active food pantries and outreach meals for people in need. Please email Deb Holmes at to have your church information included or updated. Western Region List updated 9/1/2020.

Weekly vigils for Racial Justice

The members of Center Church, UCC (First Congregational Church of South Hadley), One Church Street, South Hadley have been holding a weekly vigil for Racial Justice. The vigils take place every Saturday from 10:00 - 10:30 AM on the church lawn. People are asked to wear a mask and stand at least 6ft apart. Bringing a sign is also encouraged!


Monday, February 22 7:00 – 8:30pm ET
Healthy Pastoral Relations Committees with Rev. Stephen Boyd
Pastoral Relations Committees provide essential leadership in the life of a congregation. Come to this workshop to explore what the purpose of a PPR Committee is and is not. We’ll be talking through a newly developed PRC covenant to help name the priorities and commitments of a well-functioning PRC. Stephen will share best practices from around the church and be prepared to answer your questions.

Super Saturday(s) And It Came to Pass, Luke 2:15 - Living Into the Fulfillment of God's Promise
Virtually, March 13 & 20th
With keynote speaker Rabbi Elan Babchuck, we will gather to learn, share and grow together in faith and practice. We are also looking for local pastors and congregations to offer workshops. What exciting thing is happening in your church? What gift do you want to share with the wider church? Register by clicking on the date you would like to attend: March 13th or March 20th.

May 8, 2021

Southern New England Conference Annual Meeting - A Virtual Meeting

Please go to to see all posted events.

Discipleship Opportunities at a Glance

Visit our Faith Formation page for updated information.



Journey: a social and support group for trans and non binary individuals of all ages.  The group is facilitated by Yohah Ralph. We will meet online using Zoom on the first and third Thursdays of the month.  
If you have questions, or are interested in joining the group, please send an email to Yohah at, and provide your phone number so we can have a brief conversation in advance.


Click here to see all church transitions in the conference.


Please click here to view all of SNEUCC Obituaries.


 Please click here to view all SNEUCC Classifieds

Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
Framingham, MA office: 508-875-5233
Hartford, CT office: 866-367-2822
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