
It's Time to Stop Being an Individual

by the Rev. Victoria Alford Guest,  Environmental Ministries Team

It took a little more than 24 hours for hurricane Laura to feed off the unusually warm Gulf waters and intensify from category 1 to category 4. 
It took a little more than 10 days for lightning strikes to ignite more than 700 wildfires burning up acreage in California equivalent to the size of the state of Delaware. 
Almost every day there is an article in the morning news about glacial melt or ocean acidification or rollbacks in EPA regulations or the effect of fossil fuel particulates on communities affected by Covid or the drought that is wilting the cherry tree in my front yard. Read more

Racial Justice Workshop

There are still a few spaces left in the Oct. 15-16 racial justice workshop, which has moved online. Interested? Contact Karen Methot at

New! Voter Resource Page

An average election in the United States has around 60% of the eligible voting population turning out at the polls...With the rise in popularity of suppressive voting legislation, we may see an even lower turnout than normal in this election. What can we do to get out the vote? Don't give up your voice...And encourage others to vote too! Here are some helpful resources. Voter Resource Page 

Angels Unaware: The Border is Everywhere

A Conversation with The Rev. Randy Mayer ~ October 18, 4-5 PM

In the past 26 years or more, border walls have sprung up everywhere. Surprisingly, in the same period of time immigrant communities have strengthened and grown all across the country - and blessings abound. 

Join Rev. Randy Mayer, a pastor/activist who works along the U.S./Mexico border, in a conversation about the current immigration issues and how the United States is at a turning point in its history. Will we laud the values of Emma Lazarus’ poem, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” or will we turn our backs on them and cling to walls and closed doors, missing out on the angels unaware?

Read more and sign up

Leaders Announce Assessment of UCC’s ‘Racial Diversity, Equity, Inclusion’

From the national office, United Church of Christ

Noting that the United Church of Christ is “among the whitest Christian denominations in America,” the church’s leaders are launching an assessment of “racial diversity, equity and inclusion” throughout the church.

The United Church of Christ Board of Directors announced the assessment in a Sept. 1 “letter to the wider church” and began seeking consultants to the process by posting a request for proposals at the UCC website. The letter was signed by UCC Board Chair Yvette Wynn and the three national officers of the church, the Revs. John Dorhauer, Traci Blackmon and Karen Georgia Thompson.  Read the letter here.

Use Your Voice to Promote Flu Vaccination This Fall

by Deborah Ringen, SNEUCC Transitional Minister of Health and Wellness 

Faith Community Nurses, clergy and lay ministers of health are trusted by the people of the congregation and community. The foundation of our faith encourages caring for our bodies as temples of God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

Our common beliefs and values lead us to trust in God and care for one another. Win this context, we have to opportunity to encourage people to get the flu vaccination by providing factual information about the benefit of the flu vaccine. Read more  See more from Deborah Ringen below.

Masks are More Important Than Ever: Slow the Speed

When the Pastor is Caregiver at Work and at Home

Pilgrimage Through the Pandemic

The Movement for Transformative Justice

by Jessica Quinn, United Church of Christ

A renewed and transformed mind. The Romans 12 text is a constant reminder that we are “in the world but not of the world”. More importantly, the way we see, and view, people, families, and systems is to be through the lens of the revolutionary, life-giving Christ.

God has powerful plans for workers, families, and communities currently trapped in economic bondage of low wages and inability to build wealth and access credit. The predatory capitalist system of America is showing its “face” clearly during this coronavirus pandemic. It is high time that renewed, transformed minds look to the opportunity of re-building for a just economy for all. Read more

The Bell Tolls for All of Us 

by Marlene Gasdia-Cochrane for Spotlight 

July 4th is a memorable day for the United States of America.  But July 14 was just as memorable for the Norfield Congregational Church (NCC) in Weston, Connecticut.  On that day, they commemorated the ringing of their 250-year-old sanctuary bell for the 40th consecutive night.  The bell ringing had been used as a signal to the community and a consistent reminder of the injustice that is taking place against people of color.

The bell is rung for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the exact length of time that George Floyd was pinned down and killed in Minnesota on Monday, May 25, 2020. When the Norfield bell tolls, the community is reminded to remember George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many other people of color who have suffered and are suffering from racial injustice in this country. Read more 

Ever Flowing Streams is edited by Karen Methot, SNEUCC Justice Program Team. Issues are published the first and third Thursdays of the month. Your contributions are welcome! Please send to for consideration. 

Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
Framingham, MA office: 508-875-5233
Hartford, CT office: 866-367-2822
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