
Did you see Monday's announcement in your email? 
Siladi Stepping Down as Bridge Conference Minister



Dad and Maps

The Rev. Suzi Townsley writes:  " I am not willing to declare myself lost every time I experience disorientation.  I view moments of disorientation as precisely the time to gather information.  I am more fully found after such periods of being lost."

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SPOTLIGHT: Northampton Church Sees New Energy - and New Members - Online

Read about how First Churches of Northampton has found new energy - new members, more participation and increased stewardship - as a result of their online offerings. 

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Economic Justice and Stewardship

Rev. Dr. David Cleaver-Bartholomew writes: As God’s stewards, we are called to pursue and bring into existence an economy which reflects God’s vision and values ... In the divine economy we are all deeply connected with one another. The well-being of one affects the well-being of all.

In sharp contrast, our world, our society, and our current economic system are built upon a model of scarcity, marked by hyper-individualism, self-interest, human ownership, fear, and a too frequent inability to remember our connectedness with one another, especially with the most vulnerable and marginalized.  

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2020 UCC Stewardship Materials Now Available

Materials for your congregation's 2020 stewardship campaign featuring the theme "Beloved, Love" are now available in print form or as a digital download, including social media graphics appropriate for Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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Don't Be A Goat!

The Rev. Timoth Sylvia writes: There are plenty of people who are looking out for others... sharing their toilet paper and their food. Yet, overwhelmingly, the behaviors we were seeing play out in our communities leaned more toward selfish than selfless.

And that is absolutely heartbreaking.

And now, as we have navigated the past several months of the pandemic...
As stores have been able to restock their toilet paper and produce...
We see another example of this selfish nature emerging.


Read   5 Min Read



Upcoming Events Online

Phasing Forward Towards In Person Worship: Stories of How a Decision Was Made in a Local Church
TODAY, 3:00 PM

First in a series of webinars by the Council of Conference Ministers, hosted by Don Remick

Church Finances During Covid-19 Webinar III

Hosted by Kent Siladi, Lee Gagen, David Cleaver Bartholomew, Rev. Dr. Ginger Brasher-Cunningham, and Mary Nelson.

Weekly Conversation with the Bridge Conference Ministers
July 2, 1:30 AM

This week, Ryan Gackenheimer,and Jenn Kronholm-Clark from the Silver Lake Conference Center and Jon Kirby from Pilgrim Day Camp will talk about youth ministry in the summer.

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Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
Framingham, MA office: 508-875-5233
Hartford, CT office: 866-367-2822
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