
SPOTLIGHT: Juneteenth Signs

At First Church of Christ in Sandwich, MA, Juneteenth provided an opportunity for the church to educate the people of Sandwich about the role of slavery in this predominantly white community on Cape Cod.

The Juneteenth project at FCC Sandwich began with funds left to a predecessor organization over 200 years ago by Titus Winchester, a man enslaved by a local pastor and later freed. FCC Church was looking for ways to honor and educate the community about Juneteenth and tell the story of Titus.

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A Call to Confront Lies

The Rev. James D. Ross II, Minister for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, writes: "As I have sought to make meaning of both the public discourse about “critical race theory” and the ongoing effort to restrict voting rights, I have been drawn to the words of Proverbs 14:25: A truthful witness saves lives, but one who utters lies is a betrayer."

"Sadly, there is much uttering of lies in the claims of voter fraud – lies which are being used to justify new laws that make it harder for poor people, people of color, and members of other minoritized groups to vote. Similarly, political operatives have latched onto the term 'critical race theory'. They have taken it out of its legal studies context and popularized preposterous claims that it advances Marxist ideology, and is anti-white, divisive, and abusive."

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As Followers of Jesus, We Are Called to be Political

Legislative Advocate Michele Mudrick writes: I am often asked by church leaders and members: Should we be involved in “politics”? My answer is always the same: Yes, just like Jesus!  

"The Gospels tell of a Christ who frequently confronted death-dealing cultural norms and challenged the status quo. The Rev. Mark Sandlin, who writes frequently about religion and faith, observed in a 2015 article that Jesus was a political actor. He flipped tables, both literally and figuratively.    

"I am not suggesting we go flip tables - at least not literally. Instead, I believe we are called to figuratively flip tables by challenging unjust or corrupt structures of power just like Jesus did during his ministries on the earth."

Read - find out how to join the SNEUCC Advocacy Corps
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New SNEUCC Staff Directory Now Online

A new staff directory on the Southern New England Conference website is designed to help explain the staffing structure, and clarify who can provide resources in what area. The directory also includes an organizational chart.




Recording Online

Affirming Our Faith: Considerations as We Worship This Summer

The recording of last week's webinar, in which The Rev. Darrell Goodwin speaks with members of the SNEUCC Health and Wellness Team Deborah Ringen and Kathleen Zagata, is now online. In the video, Ringen explained that masks are still recommended at gatherings when vaccination status is mixed, and that churches should continue to post signs with screening questions and mask requirements. She also goes over recommendations around congregational singing and responds to other questions. 

Other Upcoming Events

Emerging Stronger: Healing Stories from Mayan Women
July 21, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Join Elena Huegel, Global Ministries missionary to Mexico, as she shares women's stories of healing.

Events by our Partners:

 UCC Musicians Association: Conference 2021: Brave New World
July 8 - 10

Anyone involved in planning and presenting music, worship and the arts in a church setting is welcome.

UCC General Synod: Rooted in Love
July 11 - 18

This year's General Synod is being held virtually, meaning anyone can enjoy worship, engage in workshops and conversations, visit the marketplace and see how the denomination's business is conducted without having to travel.

PRC Webinar: Saving Your Church Money with the Employee Retention Tax Credit
July 15, 2:00 PM

All events:

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Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ
Framingham, MA office: 508-875-5233
Hartford, CT office: 866-367-2822
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